

Mickey 17


Mickey 17 review by Con

In Cinemas 7/3/25 (15) 3.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This movie is very close to being a modern classic Sci-Fi. So much of Mickey 17 is right, Pattinson and the rest of the cast are outstanding. And for ninty minites you’ll find yourself fully engrossed with everything going on, as there are many interesting questions asked of humaity and our political system moving forward. But the last 30 minites feel weirdly too blockbuster hollywood Sci-fi, and it doesnt really match with the initial Alien/Matrix tone to the first ninty mininites. It’s definitly worth seeing – but would have been a better movie if the final act had been either darker or massivly edited down.

Mickey 17 promo hat from the screening!!!