IMAX – Avatar The Way of Water review by Harrison and Con
In IMAX Cinemas 16/12/22 (12A) Harrison 4.5 Stars/ Con 5 Stars
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Absolutely stunning sequel to the epic original Avatar movie. This film is a visual fest and action packed from start to finish. The best way to see Avatar The Way of Water is in IMAX 3D – Highly Recommended!!!

Experience AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER the way director James Cameron intended, in IMAX 3D – the world’s most immersive format.

The IMAX 3D Experience takes you beyond the edge of your seat and into a world you’ve never imagined.

Whether it’s their massive screens and incredible lifelike visuals or their heart-pounding precision audio and unique auditorium design, everything in an IMAX cinema has been custom designed to put you inside the world of Pandora.

Immerse yourself in The IMAX 3D Experience today.