LEGO Star Wars – X-Wing Starfighter review by Con

Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 Minifigures!!!

Wings closed!!!

Swivel the circular mechanic on top to open the wings!!!!

Wings open!!!

Available from the LEGO Store (18 Years +) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
This is a beautifully designed LEGO Star Wars build and looks incredible on display. Be aware it’s very important to follow the instructions very carefully. If you put one brick in the wrong place it can cause all kinds of difficulty further on in the build. The hardest part of the build is attaching the wings. Make sure not to be too heavy handed when adding each of the wings, (while holding on to other parts of the ship to steady the X-Wing) or those sections may come away from the build. A high level of LEGO building experience is recommended – but once built, it’s very satisfying on completion. A must own for any Star Wars fan – Highly Recommended!!!
Con with the LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collectors Series – X-Wing Starfighter Designer Henrik Anderson!!!

Kidzcoolit: Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 – LEGO CLICK HERE!!!