
Vindication Swim Archives - Youth #gottit

Vindication Swim


Vindication Swim review by Con

In Cinemas 8/3/24 (PG) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is such a brilliant story, well told and shot, with some brilliant performances. So pleased we got to see it on the big screen. Some of the magic of the cinematography will be lost on a smaller screen – so go see it at the cinema while you can. Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the Vindication Swim UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Con at the Vindication Swim UK Premiere


Con at the Vindication Swim UK Premiere!!!

Elliott Hasler!!! (Writer/Director)

John Loche!!! (Harold Best)

Victoria Summer!!! (Edith Gade)

Con with legendary The Rolling Stones and Faces musician Ronnie Wood at the Vindication Swim Party!!!

Kirsten Callaghan (Mercedes Gleitze and Exec Producer)

Simon Hasler!!! (Producer along with Sally Humphreys Wood and Douglas McJannet)

Nicola Pearcey!!! (Exec Producer)

Matt Pearcey!!! (Exec Producer)

Justin Hayward!!! (Leonard Clay)

Premiere Goodie Bag!!!

Vindication Swim in Cinemas 8/3/24 – Review CLICK HERE!!!