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Travis Scott Live 2022


Travis Scott Live 2022 review by Con

The O2 London (6th/7th August 2022) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Full of energy and all the hits. This was a must see show for all Travis Scott fans and the man delivered. Highly Recommended!!!

LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System


LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System review by Con

Available from all good retailers (18 Years +) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is a thing of beauty that every gamer of any age will want to build and own. It’s quite straight forward to construct and once fully built has some wonderfully interactive features. Be aware that the ’18 Years +’ on the box is more a ‘age targeted’ branding guidance, rather than a recommended age for building. Anyone with a good level of LEGO building ability age 10 years and up should be able to construct the Nintendo NES. Highly Recommended!!!

Book One – Bags 1 to 8!!!

Bag 1!!!

Bag 2!!!

Bag 3!!!

Bag 4!!!

Bag 5!!!

Bag 6!!!

Bag 7!!!

Bag 8!!!

Book Two – Bags 9 to 21!!! (Images Coming Soon)

Bag 9!!!

Bag 10!!!

Bag 11!!!

Bag 12!!!

Bag 13!!!

Bag 14!!!

Bag 15!!!

Bag 16!!!

Bag 17!!!

Bag 18!!!

Bag 19!!!

Bag 20!!!

Bag 21!!!

Kidzcoolit LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System ‘Video review’ by Con CLICK HERE!!!

Disney + Prey


Disney + Prey review by Con

Available on Disney + 5/8/22 (16 years +) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:
As good, if not better than the original Predator movie. Highly Recommended!!!

Warner Bros – MultiVersus


Warner Bros – MultiVersus review by Con

Warner Brothers have some of the best IP’s out there. Characters from the likes of DC Comics, Cartoon Network, HBO, Looney Tunes and Hanna-Babera. And now they are all likely to be available to play with in one game at some stage in the future.

And then you take that and add some good old Brawl fighting and that’s Warner Brothers MultiVersus.

If that’s not enough it’s free to play, so all of my friends will be able to play it with me whatever they use for gaming. This game is amazing!!!

Not only is everyone I know going to be playing MultiVersus, everyone I know wants to be playing it. It’s going to be such a successful game.

The gameplay is incredible and it even had something to stop fight move spamming. The more you use it, the move decays to the point it causes no damage.

As with any free online game there’s plenty of iconic backdrops and characters to play with at no cost, but there are many more incredible paid for add-ons available. A personal favaourite of mine at the moment is the Animated series Batman character. I’m also a big fan of Taz from the free to play options available.

I really like that you can have every thing from Looney Tunes to a Game of Thrones character battling it out. I even hear Larry David will be entering the game at some stage.

You’ve got play this game and get playing it early so you’re good enough to take on everyone. MultiVersus will be huge!!!

Available for Free on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, XBox and PC 22/7/22 (PEGI 12) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

It’s full of iconic character. Incredibly good fun to play. And more importantly Free. Get excited for MultiVersus – Highly Recommended!!!

British Summer Time Hyde Park 2022


American Express presents BST Hyde Park 2022 – The Rolling Stones, Pearl Jam, Duran Duran and Eagles

American Express presents BST Hyde Park 2022 – Con at The Rolling Stones CLICK HERE!!!

Kidzcoolit: American Express presents BST Hyde Park 2022 – Bex at the Eagles CLICK HERE!!!

Kidzcoolit/Youth #Gottit: American Express presents BST Hyde Park 2022 – Con & Bex at Pearl Jam and Duran Duran CLICK HERE!!!

American Express presents British Summer Time Hyde Park 2022 – Harrison, Con and Bex at the Festival 2015 to 2019 CLICK HERE!!!

Tony Hawk 540 Series Complete Skateboard


Tony Hawk 540 Series Complete Skateboard review by Harrison

Available from all good retailers (9 years +) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

These are a great range of skateboards from the most famous skateboarder on the earth. Maybe even the universe!!!

American Express presents BST Hyde Park 2022 – Con at The Rolling Stones


American Express presents BST Hyde Park 2022 – Con at The Rolling Stones

Con with Jamiroquai’s Jay Kay!!!

Vista Kicks!!!

The War on Drugs!!!

Phoebe Bridgers!!!

American Express Area!!!

reddit Area!!!

Hard Rock Cafe Area!!!


Magic Radio!!!

The Rolling Stones!!!

Kidzcoolit: American Express presents BST Hyde Park OPEN HOUSE fun for the family CLICK HERE!!!

Kidzcoolit: American Express presents BST Hyde Park 2022 – Bex at the Eagles CLICK HERE!!!

Disney + Star – Only Murders in the Building Season 2


Disney + Star – Only Murders in the Building Season 2 review by Con

Available on Disney + Star 28/6/22 (16 Years +) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Only Murders is one of our favourite shows on Disney + and this latest series starts where the last season ended. What you loved about the first season is all there in the second. And if you’ve still not seen the first series, get with it. This is must see TV with Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selina Gomez on top of their game – Highly Recommended!!!

Disney + Star – Only Murders in the Building Season 1 review by Harrison CLICK HERE!!!

Con at the Only Murders in the Building Season 2 Screening Party CLICK HERE!!!

Marvel – Morbius


Marvel – Morbius review by Con

Available on Digital Download, DVD, Blu-Ray and 4K 27/6/22 (15) 3.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

It’s not prefect, but it’s not as bad as some have said. If you love the Marvel movies you’ll definitely want to watch this film!!!