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Manga Akira 4K review by Harrison


Manga Akira 4K review by Harrison

Available now on 4K 7/12/20 (15) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

One of the all time classic Sci-Fi Blockbusters is available now in an all new fresh 4K presentation for the first time. This is a movie event not to be missed – Highly Recommended!!!

PlayStation 5


PlayStation 5 review by Harrison!!! 

Available from all good retailers (PEGI 7) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Completely lives up to the excitement and expectations and its really quick and easy to set up when you first get it. We’re looking forward to many years of fun gaming with this new console. Highly Recommended!!!

Inside the box!!!

PlayStation 5 UK price – With Disc Drive £449/ Digital Only £359!!!

PlayStation 5 Game Reviews!!!

PlayStation 5 – Battlefield 2042 review by Harrison CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Call of Duty Vanguard Review CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Death Stranding Directors Cut Review CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut Review CLICK HERE!!!

PlaySation 5 – A Plague Tale Innocence CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Resident Evil Village CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Returnal review by Harrison CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Oddworld Soulstorm review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Control Ultimate Edition review by Harrison CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales Review by Harrison CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – NBA 2K21 review by Harrison CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – FIFA 21 review by Harrison CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – The Nioh Collection CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Watch Dogs Legion CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Demon Souls  CLICK HERE!!!

Kidzcoolit PlayStation 5 (Pegi 3 -PEGI 12) Game reviews CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Watch Dogs Legion


PlayStation 5 – Watch Dogs Legion

After 5 long years, Ubisoft finally ventured to London once again when creating their brand new open-world game in Watchdogs: Legion, and whether you love it or hate it, one thing you cannot deny is the guts of Ubisoft for this one. The major change with Legion compared to any of the other games in the Watchdogs is that the story doesn’t revolve around a single main character or even characters at that. The heroes of the story are the city of London itself, everyone from flamboyant street magicians to drone operating builders, Watchdogs: Legion has it all for you to play, with this vast character playability being one of its most polarising aspects. 

This introduction of no true lead does sacrifice classic open-world RPG features as I really missed the skill tree aspect within the game and the wealth of abilities contained within one character. However, by no means is it all negatives with a key part of the game being the recruitment and discovery of new types of people with unique character builds and personalities installed within almost every one. At first, this seemed fun, bringing about a new take to the mission, yet after a few hours, I felt the recruitment missions, usually regarding beating up a mob boss or destroying blackmail, to become monotonous and somewhat boring, however, this is the price to pay when having such a wealth of playable personas.

The story itself is ok, bringing about a few thought-provoking topics including privatized police and other such political ideals yet much like the recruitment missions I felt a lot of to feel like a task in order to get to the good bits rather than a captivating journey to the end goal. The bad guys themselves, are pretty well developed and make you genuinely want to end them which is always good, with a standout character being Mary Kelly, the sadistic head of the London mob. However, the main enemies are both Albion and Zero Day, one a private military on the hunt for Dead Sec and the other a terrorist organization responsible for the bombings around London and the framing of Dead Sec.

The setting itself is beautiful as well as being terrifying. The amazing setting of London is really done justice within the game as I found myself racing around for hours finding my favorite monuments and sights. The not so pretty bit are the thousands of drones patrolling the skies and the near-future setting becomes a battleground whenever you put on your mask due to instantly being detected by the police drones. Combat is fun with each character having their own abilities to add and Hitmen especially are very fun to play.

All in all, Watchdogs: Legion is certainly a fun playing experience with a good story and amazing setting up to par with some of Ubisoft’s best, yet personally the removal of a central protagonist wasn’t a great decision as missions seemed to become repetitive due to the lack of character development in both the combat and personality wise. However, the large playable cast definitely has its benefits but I feel they don’t quite outweigh the negatives.

Available for PlayStation 5 17/11/20 (PEGI 18) 3 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Watch Dogs Ligion is a beautifully constructed gaming experience around the streets of London. Really good fun!!!

PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!

The Glass Man


The Glass Man review by Harrison

Available on Digital Download 7/12/20 (15) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is a very addictive ‘psychological horror thriller’. Throughout the film you’re always wondering what the hell is going on. You dare not walk away in case you miss the explanation. Really good movie!!!

Harrison with The Glass Man Star Andy Nyman!!!



Zátopek review by Harrison

Available from all good retailers (Self Made Hero) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is a beautifully illustrated Graphic novel based on the true story of Sports hero Emil Zátopek. A great gift idea for sports fans!!!

PlayStation 5 – Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate


PlayStation 5 – Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate

Mortal Kombat 11 is nothing short of a masterpiece within the fighting game world and with the introductions of legends such as THE Rambo, this ultimate pack is a must buy. Excluding the original 1992 game which, I must say, still holds up with tons of retro gaming goodness, this was my first experience with the mortal Kombat franchise and what an introduction it made! Briefly recapping the story, the game takes place directly after the events of MK 10 where Shinnok has been defeated and Raiden is running around with an elder god amulet being all dark and brooding. Everything is seemingly fine until, like all Mortal Kombat games, it all goes to chaos, this time thanks to a Titaness called Kronika, the Goddess of time and mother of Cetrion and Shinnok. She decides that Raiden has ruined the timeline and basically breaks time bringing characters from all across the Mortal Kombat together to duke it out.

What’s new to MK 11 Ultimate?

Excluding the graphics, which look absolutely incredible bringing so much satisfaction as you rip a characters head off or chop them in half, there are many new features within this ultimate edition, not seen within the original release. These include: 

– Kombat Pack 1 (Shang Tsung, Terminator, Joker, Spawn, Nightwolf and Sindel)

– Aftermath Expansion ( a further 5 chapters directly following the end of MK11 as well as 3 more playable characters; Sheeva, Robocop and Fujin. 

– Kombat Pack 2 ( Mileena, Rain and Rambo) 

Unfortunately, other than the Kombat pack 2 DLC, all of these features have been out for quite a while so if you are a massive fan of the Mortal Kombat franchise, there is a strong chance that you may have the majority of the new additions, however, if you don’t the ultimate edition is a steal. The most recent DLC (Kombat pack 2) came out alongside the ultimate edition and, personally, having played with all of the DLC characters, I feel it is the most enjoyable addition so far. Not only are Rain and Mileena both standout characters, with Mileena being specifically fun to play, but Rambo’s pure brutality and charisma shine through, making not only his combat legendary but his pre-fight conversations some of the best within the entire roster, which is only further brought to life by the fact he is actually voiced by Sylvester Stallone sending shivers down my spine every time he says the names of any of the OG MK characters, getting even better when juxtaposed with the Terminator voice actor’s ‘ok’ Arnie impression.

Overall, this game is a must-buy for all fighting game lovers with its massive roster only getting better with its new additions. I would have liked to see more new features, unique to the Ultimate edition, making it more attractive to owners of all the previous DLCs, perhaps making Kronika a playable character, for example. Yet this doesn’t stop the game from being thoroughly enjoyable for new and old players, giving MK fans hours of enjoyment 

Available for PlayStation 5 17/11/20 (PEGI 18) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

It’s the perfect pick up and play game with bundles of playable characters and some incredibly fun special moves. Mortal Kombat 11 is a bit bloodfest – so not for the faint hearted. But if you know the games well you’re in for a real treat – Highly Recommended!!!

PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales


PlayStation 5 – Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales Review by Harrison

Available on PlayStation 5 19/11/20 (PEGI 16) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

If you loved the last Spider-Man game – you will definitely need to play the new Miles Morales sequel. Its action packed, has beautiful graphics and a really cool Marvel story. Highly Recommended!!!

PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!

Nintendo Switch – Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity


Nintendo Switch – Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity review by Harrison

Available on Nintendo Switch 20/11/20 (PEGI 12) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

If you’re a die hard Zelda fan – its a given you’ll be playing this new adventure. Classic stuff from Nintendo and a must own for fans new and and old!!!

Star Cut Outs – Friday Night Dinner


Star Cut Outs – Friday Night Dinner review by Harrison

Available from all good retailers (Star Cut Outs) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

If you’re a fan of Friday Night Dinner or you know someone obsessed with the show – this is the perfect gift idea. A must own for any fan!!!

Harrison at the ‘Friday Night Dinner’ Series 6 Screening and Launch Party CLICK HERE!!!

WWE Undertaker The Last Ride


WWE Undertaker The Last Ride review by Harrison

Available on DVD and Blu-Ray 23/11/20 To Buy CLICK HERE!!! (12) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is a must see for any WWE fan. Everything you need to know about the greatest WWE Superstar of all time is here – Highly Recommended!!!

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WWE Best Main Events Of The Decade review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

WWE Slam Attax Reloaded – Con chats with WWE Champion Drew McIntyre CLICK HERE!!!

WWE Best Main Events Of The Decade Special – 10 Years of covering WWE on Kidzcoolit CLICK HERE!!!

WWE Money in the Bank 2020 review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

WWE WrestleMania 36 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!

WWE Royal Rumble 2020 review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

WWE RAW London May 2019 CLICK HERE!!!

WWE – Harrison, Con and Bex Hall of Fame CLICK HERE!!!