PlayStation 5 – God of War Ragnarok review

Kratos and Atreus are back and the stakes are higher than ever. Fimbulwinter is in full effect
and Ragnarok is just around the corner. Can Kratos defy fate and bring down Odin without
becoming the monster he has left behind. Though simple this is the main story of this
behemoth of a game. The main story is around 20 hrs and is packed with entertainment from
start to finish. It also takes great steps towards uncovering the secrets of the giants and how
Atreus is important to their story.
Speaking of Atreus this game takes great leaps in new gameplay features. Notably, Atreus
as a playable character. Atreus becomes the centre of attention within a lot of this game and
with that you get to fight using him with different partners by your side. And with the partners,
there are many of them that vary throughout the game. Another important part of the game is
the new Draupnir spear which is incredibly fun to use. It provides another unique gameplay
experience whilst feeling just as powerful as the Blades of Chaos and the Leviathan axe.
And finally Kratos Atreus (and more) have significantly more customisation as well as a
much larger and rewarding skill tree.
The game play is immensely good and feels like a massive step up from the previous game.
Especially the newer moves which feel fresh even if they have been seen before. The new
enemies, monsters and bosses are very cool and provide new challenges for even the most
experienced of gamers.
I could list the positives but realistically everything about it is practically perfect. Although the
only thing some may see as a problem is the fact that the levels feel a little enclosed. Also
the graphics ( though amazing) don’t feel like a ridiculous step up from the 2018 game
especially considering this game is made on a upgraded console.
Basically to conclude, this game is awesome. The flaws are miniscule in comparison to how
amazing this game really is. If you liked the original or any action story game for that matter,
then this is a must play game and should definitely be in your game library.
Available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 9/11/22 (PEGI 18) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
This latest adventure is absolutely amazing with a story full of drama and excitement. The gameplay has everything you loved about the last God of War, and so much more. The perfect sequel – Highly Recommended!!!