Have you ever used any real-life Shark attack stories in the MEG books? Bex age 11
Steve Alten – Well Bex, in the second MEG book, The TRENCH (which inspired the MEG movie sequel in theatres in August), I made Andrew Fox, the son of Rodney Fox, one of the characters in the story because he and his Dad are so supportive of my work. Many years ago, Rodney barely survived perhaps the most fearsome non-fatal Great White attack ever. There are graphic photos of the bite marks that you may be too young to see… WAIT – Don’t look!

Amazingly, Rodney not only survived but went on to design and build the first underwater observation cage to dive with the great white shark, and for over 40 years he has led major expeditions to film the predators.
(Andrew and Rodney Fox with The MEG poster signed by Steve Alten)