
#beano Archives - Youth #gottit

Ghostbusters Frozen Empire


Ghostbusters Frozen Empire review by Con

In Cinemas 22/3/24 (12A) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This movie is so good. The last one was good for setting up the future of the series, but this movie takes Ghostbusters back to the roots of the first two films. Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the Ghostbusters Frozen Empire UK Screening!!!

Writer/Director Gil Kenan on stage with Alex Zane!!!

Kidzcoolit: Ghostbusters Frozen Empire – Con Awards Lifelong Beano Fan Paul Rudd the Comic’s Greatest Honour – the Golden Gnasher Badge CLICK HERE!!!

MCM London Comic Con October 22nd-24th 2021


MCM London Comic Con October 22nd-24th 2021 (For More Details CLICK HERE!!!)

Charlie Cox!!! (Daredevil, Stardust and Eat Locals)

Gabriel Luna!!! (Ghost Rider in Agents of SHEILD, Tommy in The Last of Us and Gabriel/REV-8 in Terminator: Dark Fate)

Interview CLICK HERE!!!

Anjali Bhimani!!! (Rampart in Apex Legend and Jessee Hiller in The Loud House)

Anjali’s new book available now!!!

Carolina Ravassa!!! (Sombra in Overwatch and Zyana in Onyx Equinox)

Nigel Parkinson!!! (Beano Comic/ Dennis the Menace illustrator)

Eddsworld’s Edd Gould!!!

Harry McEntire!!! (Hunwald in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Aethelwold in The Last Kingdom)

Interview CLICK HERE!!!

Bernard Chang!!! (Marvel and DC Comics illustrator)

Marc Ellerby!!! (Rick and Morty Comic)

Signed Rick and Morty card!!!

Lee Townsend!!! (Marvel Comics, DC Comics and 2000 AD Comic illustrator)

Harrison, Con and Bex at the Quidditch UK Section!!!

Harrison and Bex play Quidditch!!!

Prime Video – The Wheel of Time!!!

Believe it or not this isn’t really 1960’s William Shatner/Captain Kirk, it’s actor Ed Zephyr!!!

MCM Comic Con Family Lounge!!!

The UK Garrison 501st Legion!!!

MCM Comic Con 2021 T-Shirts Available at the Event!!!