
#PrimeVideo Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Youth #gottit

Prime Video/Paramount+ Star Trek Picard – The Final Season


Prime Video/Paramount+ Star Trek Picard – The Final Season review by Con

Available on Prime Video and Paramount+ 17/2/23 (12 Years+) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

If you’re a Star Trek The Next Generation fan, you are in for a massive treat. They’ve saved the best for last – this is some on the best Star Trek in years. Highly Recommended!!!

Harrison talks to the stars of Star Trek at the Star Trek Picard Season One UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Kidzcoolit: When Harrison and Con met Sir Patrick Stewart CLICK HERE!!!

Prime Video – Your Christmas or Mine?


Prime Video – Your Christmas or Mine? review by Con

Available on Prime Video 2/12/22 (12 Years +) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Ticks every box for a Festive treat. Funny, Chaotic and packed with Christmas spirit. Perfect for a cosy Christmas night in!!!

Con at the ‘Your Christmas or Mine?’ Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Con at the ‘Your Christmas or Mine?’ Premiere


Con at the ‘Your Christmas or Mine?’ Premiere!!!

Asa Butterfield!!! (James)

Cora Kirk!!! (Hayley)

David Bradley!!! (Jack)

Alex Jennings!!! (Humphrey)

Daniel May!!! (Geoff)

Natalie Gumede!!! (Kaye)

June Watson!!! (Nan)

Aston Wray!!! (Ant)

Harris Kiiza!!! (Dec)

Jim O’Hanlon!!! (Director)

Tom Parry!!! (Writer)


Beka on stage Performing ‘What Christmas Means to Me’ from the movie!!!

Your Christmas Or Mine? Available on Prime Video 2/12/22!!!

Prime Video – The Peripheral


Prime Video – The Peripheral review by Con

Available on Prime Video 21/10/22 (16 Years +) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Now maybe? Just maybe, we’re jumping the gun a bit with our ‘5 Stars review’ after only seeing one episode. But this show feels like its going to be special based on what we’ve seen. It’s like a modern day Matrix with the British Drama styling of shows such as Luther, Peeky Blinders and Top Boy mixed with the US styling of shows such as Westworld. Definitely one to be watching!!!

Con with the Cast at The Peripheral UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Bandai – Star Trek Universe Toys


Bandai – Star Trek Universe Toys review by Con

Star Trek Universe Figures!!!

Commander Saru, Michael Burnham, Commander William Riker, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander Data, Captain Spock, Khan Noonien Singh and Admiral James T. Kirk. Each figure comes with accessories and its own display stand. 

Star Trek Universe Original Series Phaser!!!

Star Trek Universe Original Series Enterprise Ship!!!

Available from all good retailers (4 Years+) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

A new surge in popularity for the Star Trek Universe with recent shows such as Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy and Strange New Worlds’ has naturally created a fresh craving for ‘Trek’ merchandise and collectables. Bandai (through the company Playmates) have brought together a great first wave collection of products to the fanbase. These Toys/Collectables are perfect for either play or display!!!

Prime Video – Rooney


Prime Video – Rooney review by Harrison

Available on Prime Video 11/2/22 (15) 3.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is a nice time capsule of the highs and lows of Wayne Rooney’s life. The film’s well made and both Wayne and Coleen are very honest and come across well on camera. The only negative is most of their life was really well publicised over the years, so there’s nothing really new that we don’t already know. That said it’s a must see for any football or Wayne Rooney fan and a great celebration of the sporting side of Rooney’s story. The guy was a genuinely magnificent and electrifying player to watch on the pitch!!!

Amazon Prime Video – Everybody’s Talking About Jamie


Amazon Prime Video – Everybody’s Talking About Jamie review by Con

Available on Amazon Prime Video 17/9/21 (12A TBC) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is a story about enjoying being individual and seeing it as a gift. All youngster need to be told this at some point in their lives and this movie does it in a wonderfully fun way with some brilliantly catchy toe tapping songs. High School Musical meets Full Monty meets Billy Elliot – Highly Recommended!!!