
#Streaming Archives - Page 4 of 7 - Youth #gottit

Prime Video – The Continental


Prime Video – The Continental (From the World of John Wick) review by Con

Available on Prime Video 22/9/23 (15 Years +) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This show is super cool. If you’re a fan of the John Wick movies, you are in for a treat. The world is about to be expanded and it looks like they know what they’re doing with it. If you’ve never seen a John Wick film before, how about starting here with The Continental. Highly Recommended!!!

Photos from the Prime Video The Continental London Launch event!!!

Netflix – One Piece


Netflix – One Piece review by Con

Available on Netflix 31/8/23 (15) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

The beloved One Piece Anime, finally finds itself in live action form. This show is Jam packed with action, comedy, plus bundles of brilliantly weird and wonderful characters. Monkey Magic meets Pirates of the Caribbean with the feel of a Terry Gilliam movie, for a whole new generation of One Piece fans. Highly Recommended!!!

Gifts from Netflix for Harrison and Con!!!

Netflix – Bird Box Barcelona


Netflix – Bird Box Barcelona review by Con

Available on Netflix 14/7/23 (15) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

The world of Bird Box expands with this sequel. Tense and full of scares. It would appear Netflix have a movie franchise on their hands – Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the Star Trek Strange New Worlds S2 Premiere


Con at the Star Trek Strange New Worlds S2 Premiere!!!

Alex Zane introduces Episode 1 on the huge immersive screen!!!

Q&A with Anson Mount and Rebecca Romijn – CLICK HERE!!!

Con with a Non-Alcoholic Romulan Ale!!!

Con with Anson Mount!!! (Captain Pike)

Star Trek Strange New Worlds Season 2 Available on Paramount+ Now!!!

Marvel Secret Invasion


Marvel Secret Invasion review by Con

Available on Disney+ 21/6/23 (16 Years+) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Mission Impossible meets Marvel and really funny. Fans of the Avengers are really going to enjoy this new show – Highly Recommended!!!

Con and Aharon at the Marvel Secret Invasion Special Screening CLICK HERE!!!