PlayStation 5 – Call of Duty Vanguard Review

It’s time for yet another instalment of one of the greatest video game series of all time. And by that of course I am talking about Call of Duty Vanguard.
Call of Duty is globally enjoyed by millions and is pretty much the father of all first-person shooter games. Vanguard comes with two versions, the ultimate edition which though may be more expensive is very good as you get a loads of weapon cosmetics as well as a night raid PPSH skin to use in Warzone and Cold War. This newest game is based around the Second World War and includes historical events of heroic efforts made to show the lesser known stories of diversity in that war.
The main character for this latest release is Arthur Kingsley and like every Call of Duty iteration there are brand new weapons, notably the assault rifle STG44, the KAR98K is back and the MP40. These weapons also come with updated features such as the addition of being able to hold up to ten attachments per weapon which really changes the gameplay and adds a lot more customisation and uniqueness when gaming. Along with this comes many new maps, notably as of November 2021 there is Berlin, Decoy, Castle (which looks absolutely stunning with the next gen graphics) and Desert Siege; though there are many more coming plus the returning community favoured map ( Arriving on November 17th which is a good sign for what’s to come).
However, the maps aren’t the only exciting part of the new game. There are also three very important additions to the gameplay. Console gamers can now utilize the newly added FOV Slider, meaning console players can now see more of their surrounding and are in a better place to go toe to toe with the PC players.
Also, the new mechanic added to mounting allows players to strafe whilst mounting allowing them to dodge being hit easier. Finally, the new Blind Firing mechanic is very beneficial and really good fun to use as it works very well and is an incredibly feature while in combat with other players.
Within the Multiplayer mode there are also new addition to Zombies game. As a big Call of Duty Zombies fan, I found the changes to this mode very interesting. To start with, some positives are that the new map (Der Anteing) is very entertaining and is one of the better Zombies maps. The new Perk System is very useful of which (for those who are unaware) you now get the first level of the Perk for free and can level it up with points at a later point. This is an excellent idea as it means you can gain the effects of your favourite perks early on, instead of waiting until a leter point.
I do have a few problems with the latest incarnation of Zombies. Firstly, the new map feels a little small and after a bit they become very repetitive, especially since there are no round based maps. Although this will probably be updated soon as Activation are pretty good at addressing problems, especially seeing as the previous game Cold War had my favourite version of Zombies. Also, it feels like all of the new weapons are very multiplayer based and none of them seem particularly effective in Zombies. Although overall I do enjoy the new Zombies and itching to see future updates for the game mode.
I’m in a very early stage for the new Call of Duty story mode, but from what I’ve played so far it’s very good. The story is set towards the end of the Second World War, with the Nazis discovering that things are no longer in their favour and they are very likely to lose the war.
The British Intelligence send in Lieutenant Arthur Kingsley, (Based loosely on a highly respected historical black serviceman named Sergeant Sidney Cornell) to work alongside Polina Petrova (Also based loosely on a highly respected female Ukrainian sharpshooter called Lyudmila Pavlichenko). These characters are integral to the new story mode, which has been really refreshing to see as it’s one of the first times diversity has been so well represented in a mainstream video game franchise. The gameplay feels very smooth, especially so with the added movement on mounting which really helps players to get through and beat many elements of the game.
Overall, I really enjoy Call of Duty Vanguard and know I will have lots of fun unlocking Camos like the new Atomic Weapon Camo, which looks very clean. Future updates will massivly add to the overall gameplay of Vanguard, but as of release I would rate it 4 stars with my favourite part being the new Blind Fire mechanic which has really assisted with winning many online games already. Although the new FOV slider is very useful too.
This game will not disappointed in the slightest.
Available on PlayStation 5 5/11/21 (PEGI 18) 4 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
If you’re a Call of Duty fan you wont be disappointed. It’s action packed, has some great new characters/ weapons and upgrades like the FOV slider really add to the gameplay. There are some elements like the Zombie’s section that could do with some enhancements, but I dare say that will be looked at by Activision with future updates. Overall this is a great edition to the Call of Duty Franchise!!!
PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!