This movie is very close to being a modern classic Sci-Fi. So much of Mickey 17 is right, Pattinson and the rest of the cast are outstanding. And for ninty minites you’ll find yourself fully engrossed with everything going on, as there are many interesting questions asked of humaity and our political system moving forward. But the last 30 minites feel weirdly too blockbuster hollywood Sci-fi, and it doesnt really match with the initial Alien/Matrix tone to the first ninty mininites. It’s definitly worth seeing – but would have been a better movie if the final act had been either darker or massivly edited down.
Companion review by Con (Be aware this review gives away details of the story as seen in the trailer. Many fans are enjoying the experience of Companion, without the knowlege of some early plotpoint details.)
In Cinemas 31/1/25 (15) 3.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
This is an exceptionally good and fresh take on the classic ‘Friends meeting up for fun, in a remote house’ horror genre. Both myslef and Con really enjoyed this film – although we had differing opinions on the star rating. I personally would have given it 4 stars. Con gave it a very strong 3.5 stars. A must see for all horror fans and try to know as little as you can about the story before seeing it at the cinema. For the best experience – don’t watch the trailer. Highly Recommended!!!
PLEASE READ: I highly recommend not watching the trailer below, before seeing Companion. This movie is a far better experience when you go in knowing nothing about the story!!!
PLEASE READ: I highly recommend not watching the trailer below, before seeing Companion. This movie is a far better experience when you go in knowing nothing about the story!!!
This movie is outstanding – but I can see it being Marmite with some cinemagoers. Packed with incredible performances, and unlike any DC movie you will have ever seen. If you love this film, you will really love it. But if you hate it, I can also see why you hated it too. For all the same reasons I loved it. There’s no middleground with Joker Folie à Deux!!!
Following on from the main games story, our Mortal Kombat universe has been invaded by titan Havok. Havok goes from universe to universe spreading chaos by taking key people from their universes, but our Mortal Kombat characters won’t let this happen to their universe. The story’s just as much fun as the main game, and really successfully follows on from where we left our favourite characters previously. I personally really enjoyed the introduction around Noob Saibot and all how the relationships between the characters really flourished with this addition.
As for the newest characters, I reall enjoy the flashy mechanics behind the two robot ninja, with both Cyrax and Sektor having unique and powerful moves that hold lots of fight combo potential. Noob Saibot plays really well and clearly translates into the Mortal kombat 1 fighting style. Although his design has a few ugly elements, that any die hard fans of his might need to allow to grow on them over time.
The other three characters that have been announced: Ghostface, T-100 and Conan the Barbarian all seem like interesting picks, which although I can’t comment on yet, I am beyond excited to try them out when they release. And finally, the addition of animalities was a real suprise, all of which look amazing, with my personal favourite being Omni Man’s.
Available on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, XBox and PC 24/9/24 (18) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
Overall, this DLC is a great addition to an already amazing game that fans should be very pleased with. Lots to enjoy and worth the extra invetment!!!
Con at the Batman Unmasked Exhibition Press Night!!!
For a limited run, fans can visit the 5-star rated and hotly anticipated Batman Unmasked: The Exhibition in Covent Garden, London from 6th September, bringing together a never seen before collection of original props, vehicles and costumes!!!
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is a looter shooter game where you play as one of the Four Suicide squad members as you plan to take out the Justice League members one by one. Brainiac has arrived on the planet and has converted the worlds mightiest heroes into subservient slaves who are helping him destroy the earth and rebuild it into a clone of his former planet Colu. You (As Task Force X) have been forced by Amanda Waller to find a way to bring down Brainiac. And any deviancy will be met by a very painful headache (She’ll blow your head off).
This game’s story works for a lot of reasons. For starters I appreciated the way they integrated the creation of side missions in the main story. Generally in most games they feel quite shoehorned in however in this one it flows well , mostly as the story has the squad track down different DC characters so you can take down the heroes, and those characters in turn will have requests for you. Also, the cutscenes in this game are incredible. The graphics alone are enough to make this game’s cut scenes a cut above the rest ( pun intended) but the general goofiness of the squad really shines, with a lot of the game being laugh out loud funny! The story also has a nice transition from story game to online multiplayer objective game which is so seamless that you might not even notice that you’re now playing for yourself rather than beating the story.
The four characters (Bing Deadshot, Harley Quinn , Cpt Boomerang and King Shark) are so incredibly well made. They have ridiculously fun traversal abilities, and all have their positives and negatives in a way that makes it so that you can play any of them based on how much fun you find them, and not be negatively affected because of it. The game’s weapon customisation also feels very nice , with not too many upgrades so you can stick with the weapons that you get early story mode and still be fully capable in any boss fights. This game has a very unique skill tree which allows for you to customise your character along three different tracks, with specific options that you can change when you need to so you won’t be left regretting what you picked.
One of the major aspects of this game is the multiplayer options. I think the gameplay is better here than has been done in any other game before. To start, you can fully explore the open world with your squad of four. As well as this, you can take your friends character builds and play with them even when your friend isn’t online. And by far the greatest feature, when you pass your friends in account points, it gives you the option to send them a taunt which appears the second they log in and is hilariously unmissable. If you’re looking for a game to play with friends this is one of those games that would work perfectly!
This game is one of the best next gen games that we’ve had. The map is absolutely massive and yet always looks absolutely perfect. There are little to no load times (unless you have a bad internet connection and are playing online) and the graphics feel stylised yet it still looks absolutely gorgeous. This game really pushes consoles to the limit and you can definitely tell. Though with this I did notice the game crashed quite a few times whilst I was playing it, though they have addressed these issues and are expecting it will be fixed soon.
Now this game is genuinely great, but it does fail in some places. Inconsistent writing happens multiple times throughout the story, and honestly I was pretty disappointed they didn’t show more of how the justice league got turned given that it feels like such an important plot point. The solid transition can’t help the fact the base story is really quite short, taking me only ten hours to complete even though I spent a lot of time doing side quests. And my only other major complaint is it’s price point. Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League tries so hard to make a point that it should be multiplayer, yet based off of it’s price point it doesn’t feel very accessible without spending extra cash. As well as that, the modern attempt at pushing in-game currencies and a battle pass may least a bad taste in the mouth of many gamers, especially given there’s no organic way to earn these credits, which I’m not really a fan of when you’ve already paid for a full game.
I really enjoy this game and think it’s one of the best superhero games we’ve ever had. And more on that, it’s going to have constant free updates to the story as well as new free characters so it’s not like you don’t have plenty to do. But as of base release I can only justify giving it 4 stars. If you love the Suicide Squad as much as I do, you’ll love this game.
Available on PlayStation 5, XBox Series X/S and PC 2/2/24 (PEGI 18) 4 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
It’s not perfect and maybe the story mode is shorter than most gamers would expect from something like this. But there’s loads to enjoy in this game and its cracking fun. A must play for DC fans!!!
DC Comics – Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom review by Con!!!
In Cinemas 21/12/23 (12A) 1.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
Where to start? The reality is, if you’ve seen all of the other recent DC movies and followed the ongoing story – you need to see this film. But for a final movie in a series, this is more a ‘Get It Done’ than a ‘Grand Explosive Finale’. It’s such a shame as the original version of Aquaman 2 sounded really good. It feels like ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom’ as a movie, had to deal with the same issues the final movie in the X-Men franchise had to deal with. Youngsters up to 16 years old will enjoy it – but most cinema goers will struggle. Roll on Superman Legacy and a new era in DC Comics movie making!!!
This is easily the movie of 2023 – Everyone needs to see this film. It’s what you expect it to be. But also not what you expect it to be. An unexpected Masterpiece – Highly Recommended!!!