PlayStation 5 – Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut Review

Originally being released last year on PlayStation 4, Ghost of Tsushima (GOT) provided gamers with the highly anticipated feudal Japanese open-world adventure, responding to the years of requests to Ubisoft which had gone unanswered. However, through following our main character and lord of the Sekai clan, Jin, players were able to slash apart Mongols, bandits, traitorous monks, and everything in-between to their heart’s content extinguishing that need for any other franchise to dip into the Feudal Japanese setting due to the sheer amount of excellence this game presents it with.
The main story takes players on a quest to rescue Jin’s uncle and free Japan from Mongol tyranny, helping and finding allies along the way to help on our crusade. The game is now back with directors promising to expand and develop on all the issues directly brought up by fans.
The beauty of this game is unmatched leaving me with a feeling of awe as I rode around which never left even after playing the game for over 60 hours, something I find near impossible with most open-world games.
The simplicity of its story really allowed it to flourish, with the setting and characters taking a front seat. I loved Jin prior to the ‘Iki Island’ expansion but found myself enjoying his character even more in this new addition of his journey. Providing a further 17 hours of content, the expansion sees Jin once again fighting of Mongols, but this time being led by the fearsome Eagle. This antagonist is far better than any in the main game, not to say they were bad, with the Eagle utilizing fear and poisons to intoxicate the player both literally and metaphorically.
The new skins are somewhat lackluster, with the sword skin being particularly disappointing, but it gives players far more incentive to grind to get more flamboyant skins if it is their first play-through rather than sticking with the same sets throughout the entire game. On the topic of playthroughs, if you first played it on the PS4, GOT does a great job of simplifying data transfer, making it really easy for returning players.
Overall, the new director’s cut has only perfected an otherwise amazing game. Please, PLEASE play it if you haven’t, I promise you will not be disappointed.
Available on PlayStation 5 20/8/21 (PEGI 18) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
It’s not often you can use the words ‘Elegant’ and ‘Bloodthirsty’ is one sentence – but they’re the best words to description the new updated version of ‘Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut’ on PlayStation 5. And the use of light and shadows is like nothing I’ve ever seen in a video game before – genuinely a masterpiece in digital animation. Easily one of the most beautiful and exciting games we’ve ever played before. Highly Recommended!!!
PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!

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