Calm With Horses review by Harrison

DC Comics – Superman Red Son review by Harrison
Available on DVD, Blu-Ray and Digital Download 16/3/20 (15) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
If you love DC Comic characters this is a must see Superman movie – even if you never watch anime or mature animation. Much like ‘Joker’ – Superman Red Son is a very unique super hero experience. Highly Recommended!!!
Harrison with Jason Isaccs (the Voice of Superman in ‘Red Son’)!!!

DC Comics – Joker review by Harrison
Available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K and Digital Download 10/2/20 (15) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
Its very much a DC movie set in the DC Comic world – but its a very mature take on the Joker character and the mental heath issues he’s dealing with. Genuinely one of the Comic Book movies – although its not really a Comic Book Movie. Highly Recommended!!!

MANGA My Hero Academia Heroes Rising review by Harrison
In Cinemas 26th and 27th February (12A) 4.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
If you love the show this is a must see movie. If you love super heroes – then you should watch My Hero Academia. The finale of this film is a work of art and some of the best anime we’ve ever seen!!!
Harrison, Con and Josh at the My Hero Academia Heroes Rising Screening Party!!!
Harrison, Con and Josh at the My Hero Academia Heroes Rising Screening Party!!!