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Dead Space remake


Dead Space remake review

The much loved and highly feared horror game, Dead Space is back and with a brand new look!

Dead Space is a 2008 sci fi horror game made by EA, which focuses on the main character Isaac
Clarke. Isaac and a space craft of maintenance crew members head over to the USG Ishimura, in deep space only to crash land and become stranded. Any other time this wouldn’t be a problem, but unfortunately for them an alien parasite has found its way on board the ship and laid waste to all of the passengers. Now Isaac, along with his arsenal of weapons (various telekinetic abilities and his jet pack) must find a way off of the ship, and survive!

This game is an absolute classic and this new ‘remake’ has some really nice updates. To start with the obvious being the graphics, which have been majorly updated in a way that benefits the style of the game. Also, the ship is far more free roaming now, with many added side quests to enjoy. Along with this, Isaac now has natural voice lines to make it seem more authentic. All of these added extras make it a worthy upgrade purchase.

The major positives to the game are that the story is very cool and has moments of leaving you terrified and helpless. Along with this, the combat has a good level of difficulty. The upgrades have an interesting skill tree system that we don’t usually see, as well as a satisfying suit upgrade system. The gore in this game is really satisfying and definitely bound to ‘freak you out’, as well as the death animations being very creative.

However, this game does lack the high level of scariness compared with modern releases. The jump-scares don’t hit like other games and in general it craves a creepier atmosphere, leaving it lacking in some of the suspense. Similarly, the enemies don’t appear to be very responsive, or perform a challenge in anyway other there to be tough to take down.

I found the deluxe edition to be slightly lackluster in places, but there are many really cool cosmetics in the game for die hard fans.

The Dead Space Remake does feel freshened up, and it’s certainly an upgrade from the original. They’ve
kept a keen eye with a lot of the details and don’t cut corners which is really nice. Although if you’re looking for a horror game, this may not need to be at the top of your list compared to many modern releases. It’s still well worth owning though. And a great game to play.

Available on PlayStation 5, XBox Series X and PC (PEGI 18) 3.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

If you’ve never played this game before, it needs to be played . If you’re a die hard fan of the original version, this is a must own for the collection to see the upgrades.



Trenches review by Con

Available on PlayStation, XBox, Nintendo Switch and PC 20/1/23 (PEGI 16) 3 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

If you’re looking for a fun budget game with lots of jump moments – you’ll really enjoy Trenches. It’s not perfect, but it’s well worth a play with some great graphics!!!

Sky Exclusive – The Last Of Us


Sky Exclusive – The Last Of Us review by Con

Available on Sky Atlantic 16/1/23 (15 Years +) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

We’ve only watched one episode, but wow what an episode it was. Remember the first time you watched Stranger Things and needed to instantly watch the rest of the series? The Last Of Us will have exactly the same effect. Also, having just lived through a Pandemic – some of the tension comes from knowing how it feels to be in the place of each of the characters in the show. The Last of Us is gripping, exciting and packed with shocking moments. This show is going to be a Monster – Highly Recommended!!!

Con at The Last Of Us Immersive Screening CLICK HERE!!!

Harrison and con with Gabriel Luna!!! (Tommy Miller)

Kidzcoolit’s Bex with Bella Ramsey!!! (Ellie Williams)

PlayStation 5 – The Last of Us Part 1 Game Review CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation – God of War Ragnarok


PlayStation 5 – God of War Ragnarok review

Kratos and Atreus are back and the stakes are higher than ever. Fimbulwinter is in full effect
and Ragnarok is just around the corner. Can Kratos defy fate and bring down Odin without
becoming the monster he has left behind. Though simple this is the main story of this
behemoth of a game. The main story is around 20 hrs and is packed with entertainment from
start to finish. It also takes great steps towards uncovering the secrets of the giants and how
Atreus is important to their story.

Speaking of Atreus this game takes great leaps in new gameplay features. Notably, Atreus
as a playable character. Atreus becomes the centre of attention within a lot of this game and
with that you get to fight using him with different partners by your side. And with the partners,
there are many of them that vary throughout the game. Another important part of the game is
the new Draupnir spear which is incredibly fun to use. It provides another unique gameplay
experience whilst feeling just as powerful as the Blades of Chaos and the Leviathan axe.
And finally Kratos Atreus (and more) have significantly more customisation as well as a
much larger and rewarding skill tree.

The game play is immensely good and feels like a massive step up from the previous game.
Especially the newer moves which feel fresh even if they have been seen before. The new
enemies, monsters and bosses are very cool and provide new challenges for even the most
experienced of gamers.

I could list the positives but realistically everything about it is practically perfect. Although the
only thing some may see as a problem is the fact that the levels feel a little enclosed. Also
the graphics ( though amazing) don’t feel like a ridiculous step up from the 2018 game
especially considering this game is made on a upgraded console.

Basically to conclude, this game is awesome. The flaws are miniscule in comparison to how
amazing this game really is. If you liked the original or any action story game for that matter,
then this is a must play game and should definitely be in your game library.

Available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 9/11/22 (PEGI 18) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This latest adventure is absolutely amazing with a story full of drama and excitement. The gameplay has everything you loved about the last God of War, and so much more. The perfect sequel – Highly Recommended!!!

Call of Duty – Modern Warfare II


Call of Duty – Modern Warfare II review

The sequel to many people’s favourite Call of Duty games is finally here and it’s amazing. But not only this, warzone has been entirely revamped for the launch as well, making it possibly one of the most content-filled games on the market right now.

But before I get into all the new multiplayer mechanics, I’m first going to talk about how amazing the story mode is. So, I was wildly blown away by the story mode. It basically follows the story of a conflict between a Mexican Cartel (and the Mexican army) and the US. Although it has missions that you won’t see in any other game. For example, one mission puts you in an interrogation room where either you play your cards right or you die. Now of course there are many cool missions where you simply sweep houses and defeat enemies so any fans of that won’t be disappointed but people looking for a new challenge will have a great time with this story mode.

The multiplayer is pretty damn good as well.  More customisation with guns and a whole variety of new ways to unlock and level them up. The movement and overall feel of the game is absolutely amazing. I enjoy the gunplay more than any of the recent games and believe its surpasses even MW (2019). Although where it falls short is the maps and time to kill. Most gunfights end before anyone gets a chance to even think and the maps are subpar. Now don’t be deterred, it’s still fun to play although keep in mind a lot of the time you’re going to be left thinking skill wasn’t the reason why you lost the match.

DMZ is completely new for MW2 and a rather fun addition. You load into a game with a few other teams and tons of AI and basically try to get quests done and mess around. It’s good for testing out new guns, warming up or playing casually, but in general it gets boring particularly quickly and isn’t something you’ll get a high adrenaline rush out of. I certainly think it’s a positive even if I also don’t think this will be a go to for most people.

Now finally, Warzone 2.0 is basically perfect. You can now talk to enemies whilst playing to cooperate or trash. The island and new features like dolphin diving or buying custom weapons from buy stations work very well. And the entire game mode appears to have been positively revamped with the release of the new game. The gulag has also had a few positive change, with a new map, a new way to win by killing the prisoner and weapons increasing in rarity as the match goes on. However, my one main issue with it is that I feel as though the two man gulag sort of defeats the premise and is a bad change. Other than that, Warzone 2 is insanely good and anyone who’s a fan of the last will live this.

Finally with a new game comes a new battle pass, and the new battle pass system is great. You can go through the map choosing what items you will get meaning it feels more custom to you, and you have to wait less to get a weapon you really want (with the exception of the tier 100 blueprint and operator).

So overall it’s a really good instalment and a great triumph to the gaming franchise!!!

Available for PlayStation, XBox and PC 28/10/22 (PEGI 18) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Incredible graphics, the gameplay is so much fun, a brilliant story mode and there’s always bundles of cool updates throughout the year with these games. A must own for gamers!!!

DC Comic – Gotham Knights


DC Comic – Gotham Knights Review

Batman is dead and Gotham is distraught. The only people who can protect the city are the Gotham Knights!

The main story follows the Gotham Knights (Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl and Red Hood) as the attempt to figure out what Batman’s final mission was and how they can complete it. However in doing so they have to question many iconic Batman villains. This allows for the story to have a fun main story whilst still being able to create a variety of side missions that don’t feel forced. Along with this, the Court of Owls (Villains in the game) are incredibly menacing and appear to be almost undefeatable.

The cut scenes for this game are amazing and help with the narrative of the story. And the side quests are either random crimes or side story mission. The side story missions are lots of fun as they create further story, so there’s more gameplay – but you don’t need to finish them to beat the game.

The gameplay for Gotham Knights is absolutely incredible. All four of the Gotham Knights characters are available to play and they all have unique move sets. Robin is a stealth expert, Nightwing is fast and agile, Batgirl is a 1-on-1 brawler and Redhood a long ranger gunsman. This provides interesting gameplay given as you and your friends can co-op using your choice of the character.

Along with this, every character has special moves. There are different moves between the four characters meaning there’s thirty two in total. These provide high damage or simply just guarantee someone will lose most of their health.

Gotham Knights is created by Montreal Games unlike Arkham Knight, so there are some major UI and gameplay changes, however there are many customisable options that will allow people to experience it in the way they did with the Arkham series. Along with this, there are many missions that you may complete, without feeling that they are repetitive.

The Gotham map itself, is massive and traversing is incredibly good fun, especially after completing the knighthood challenges. My only major problem with Gotham Knights is the parkour which is both lackluster, and simply put you have to go out of your way to do it, which I believe shouldn’t be the case in a Batman game. Also Gotham Knights isn’t a console cross-play game, nor is it ‘Last Gen’ which means you’re a little bit limited on who you can play with online at the moment, which is a slight flaw for the initial release.

Overall, the story mode and gameplay is incredible and really interactive, especially as the dialogue changes, depending on the the character you play with. This game is ridiculously well put together.

Available on PlayStation 5, XBox Series X and PC 21/10/22 (PEGI 16) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is a great game and must play for all DC Comic fans. It’s sad that there’s no console cross-play – hopefully that will change in the future with an update. Highly Recommended!!!

Warner Bros – MultiVersus


Warner Bros – MultiVersus review by Con

Warner Brothers have some of the best IP’s out there. Characters from the likes of DC Comics, Cartoon Network, HBO, Looney Tunes and Hanna-Babera. And now they are all likely to be available to play with in one game at some stage in the future.

And then you take that and add some good old Brawl fighting and that’s Warner Brothers MultiVersus.

If that’s not enough it’s free to play, so all of my friends will be able to play it with me whatever they use for gaming. This game is amazing!!!

Not only is everyone I know going to be playing MultiVersus, everyone I know wants to be playing it. It’s going to be such a successful game.

The gameplay is incredible and it even had something to stop fight move spamming. The more you use it, the move decays to the point it causes no damage.

As with any free online game there’s plenty of iconic backdrops and characters to play with at no cost, but there are many more incredible paid for add-ons available. A personal favaourite of mine at the moment is the Animated series Batman character. I’m also a big fan of Taz from the free to play options available.

I really like that you can have every thing from Looney Tunes to a Game of Thrones character battling it out. I even hear Larry David will be entering the game at some stage.

You’ve got play this game and get playing it early so you’re good enough to take on everyone. MultiVersus will be huge!!!

Available for Free on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, XBox and PC 22/7/22 (PEGI 12) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

It’s full of iconic character. Incredibly good fun to play. And more importantly Free. Get excited for MultiVersus – Highly Recommended!!!

Call of Duty Warzone – Operation Monarch Godzilla vs Kong


Call of Duty Warzone – Operation Monarch Godzilla vs Kong review

Nowadays online multiplayer games all come with cosmetic items to add to the play, yet none do it better then Activision, with Warzone releasing some of the best skins in the industry. The playable skins are not always ‘Activision own brands’, as they regularly partner up with other companies to bring iconic characters to the gameplay.

The Godzilla vs Kong bundles for Call of Duty are very good. Every Warzone bundle comes with a skin as well as blueprints for the various weapons available. Past skins range from brands such as Rambo and Donnie Darko, to the Saw franchises antagonist Jigsaw. All of which are great fun to use within the Call of Duty game.

The bundles themselves don’t grant any actual advantages to the play, but they do allow players to use weapons that may not have been unlocked as yet.

Another added bonus with the blueprints are the tracers, which allow for your bullets to have different coloured trails during the combat.

Finally the bundles all come with finishers which allow for an instant kill and also give the added satisfaction of humiliating and frustrating opponents. This addition to the bundle is great as it allows you to drop a plane wing on someone or throw them around for fun.

In terms of positives, these bundles are rather affordable with each costing around seventeen pounds. They all look really cool and of course the guns are fun to use during play. 

As for negatives, realistically other then the fact they don’t grant major advantages, they are the perfect cosmetic bundles and if your a fan of any of the movies you will naturally want to own them. 

Available on PlayStation, XBox and PC 11/5/22 (PEGI 18) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Godzilla and Kong are tow of the most iconic movie characters of all time and these new bundles are a great bonus to the Call of Duty game. Highly Recommended!!!

PlayStation 5 – Call of Duty Vanguard Review CLICK HERE!!!

PlayStation 5 – Gran Turismo 7


PlayStation 5 – Gran Turismo 7 Review by Harrison

Available on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 4/3/22 (PEGI 3) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

It’s yet another must own game for 2022 if you’re car mad. As Harrison said, the graphics are beautiful and leave very little to the imagination. With the gameplay – it is updated, but if you’re a Gran Turismo fan you’ll know what to expect and wouldn’t want too much changed in the game. Highly Recommended!!!