PlayStation 5 – Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut Review
Originally being released last year on PlayStation 4, Ghost of Tsushima (GOT) provided gamers with the highly anticipated feudal Japanese open-world adventure, responding to the years of requests to Ubisoft which had gone unanswered. However, through following our main character and lord of the Sekai clan, Jin, players were able to slash apart Mongols, bandits, traitorous monks, and everything in-between to their heart’s content extinguishing that need for any other franchise to dip into the Feudal Japanese setting due to the sheer amount of excellence this game presents it with.
The main story takes players on a quest to rescue Jin’s uncle and free Japan from Mongol tyranny, helping and finding allies along the way to help on our crusade. The game is now back with directors promising to expand and develop on all the issues directly brought up by fans.
The beauty of this game is unmatched leaving me with a feeling of awe as I rode around which never left even after playing the game for over 60 hours, something I find near impossible with most open-world games.
The simplicity of its story really allowed it to flourish, with the setting and characters taking a front seat. I loved Jin prior to the ‘Iki Island’ expansion but found myself enjoying his character even more in this new addition of his journey. Providing a further 17 hours of content, the expansion sees Jin once again fighting of Mongols, but this time being led by the fearsome Eagle. This antagonist is far better than any in the main game, not to say they were bad, with the Eagle utilizing fear and poisons to intoxicate the player both literally and metaphorically.
The new skins are somewhat lackluster, with the sword skin being particularly disappointing, but it gives players far more incentive to grind to get more flamboyant skins if it is their first play-through rather than sticking with the same sets throughout the entire game. On the topic of playthroughs, if you first played it on the PS4, GOT does a great job of simplifying data transfer, making it really easy for returning players.
Overall, the new director’s cut has only perfected an otherwise amazing game. Please, PLEASE play it if you haven’t, I promise you will not be disappointed.
Available on PlayStation 5 20/8/21 (PEGI 18) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
It’s not often you can use the words ‘Elegant’ and ‘Bloodthirsty’ is one sentence – but they’re the best words to description the new updated version of ‘Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut’ on PlayStation 5. And the use of light and shadows is like nothing I’ve ever seen in a video game before – genuinely a masterpiece in digital animation. Easily one of the most beautiful and exciting games we’ve ever played before. Highly Recommended!!!
PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!
Set during the Hundred Year war, Amicia de Rune (A young noble girl) must protect her brother Hugo from the French Acquisition and scared Villagers. They believe his sickness is to blame for the outbreak of a widespread Plague that’s killing the locals as Amicia is forced to run from their home and guide him to safety.
The game is a Third person adventure game in a similar style to the Assassins Creed franchise with lots of running, chasing, puzzle solving and tense moments within the storytelling.
The graphics follow the trend of its other PS5 predecessors, with settings being stunning, finding myself lost in their majesty more than a few times throughout my playthrough. My only criticism is the fluidity and inconsistencies within the facial department, as the game struggles to properly convey expressions, taking away from the amount of emotions the characters can display.
Overall this game is great for fans of adventure games and reminds me especially of the Ezio trilogy in its gameplay and style.
A must play for anyone interested in the middle age era of Europe and all of the superstitions and mystic tales surrounding it.
Available on PlayStation 5 (PEGI 18) 3.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
This is a tense chase game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Its an upgrade from PS4 to PS5 – but looks really good and plays well!!!
PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!
Being my first entry into the resident Evil franchise, ‘Village’ was both a treat and a mystery to me. I had previously perceived the resident evil games as mass shoot ’em ups but was presently surprised when I was greeted to a much more puzzle/adventure game as Ethan Winters (protagonist of the previous game, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard) is once again thrust into the supernatural world in search of his infant daughter, Rose.
The game begins some 3 years after the events of RE 7, with Ethan desperately attempting to live a normal life with his wife Mia and their newborn daughter, however, as you could probably expect with the Resident Evil games, all does not stay normal for long as Ethan finds himself waking up in the middle of a Romanian forest with no understanding of why he is there. After traversing through many a dead, strung-up crow and several decapitated goat heads, he finds himself faced with a middle ages-esque castle and a seemingly abandoned town to match. After some minor exploration and an attack from what seemed like hundreds of Lycans (werewolves for those who aren’t horror buffs), Ethan uncovers the villager’s weird cult-like obsession with the mysterious ‘Mother Miranda’ as it becomes clear his daughter’s kidnapping is part of a much deeper ploy.
Right off the bat, the game’s settings are beautiful and engaging, taking place in predominantly the castle and village with a couple of other areas sprinkled in for good measure. The beginning is relatively quick, throwing you into the action almost instantly. Many eery characters are introduced, being explored individually later in the game.
The characters are memorable and creepy, with interactions with the 4 lords, especially, being a highlight of the play through. These Lords make up the bosses of the game, with fights feeling unique, keeping me jumping out of my seat constantly. Lady Dimitrescu , the first boss of the game, is by far the best of the 4 Lords, with all 9 foot 6 of her Vampirical maliciousness shining through as Ethan tries to escape her castle. Unfortunately, the game’s highest point is this section with its start being one of the best I have ever played yet proceeds being of slightly less quality. This is a minor criticism, however, with its highs (of which there are many) being incredibly high and its lows being only ‘very good’.
Ethan is an engaging MC and Mother Miranda’s aura alone provides ample reason to fear her. The game is filled with twists and turns with major shocks throughout. There is an abundance of jumpscares, and just enough gunplay to satisfy anything a Resident Evil fan could want. With a playing time of 8 to 10 hours and a new addition of side quests which aren’t usually present within RE games, there is ample content to justify its £50 price tag.
Overall, this may be the best horror game I have ever played!!!
Available on PlayStation 5 7/5/21 (PEGI 18) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
It’s classic Resident Evil for the modern gamer. Full of Jumpy moments, Big Scares, Weird Creatures and Lots and Lots of Gore. Highly Recommended!!!
PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!
Available on PlayStation 5 30/4/21 (PEGI 16) 4 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
There’s something very unique yet classic about the gameplay for Returnal. Definitely one for gamers that like a challenge and it looks incredible on the PlayStation 5!!!
PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!
Available on PlayStation 5 6/4/21 (PEGI 16) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
It’s Oddworld and the lovable alien Abe looking better than ever. This game is incredible and our Abe is as adorable as he’s always been. Highly Recommended!!!
PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!
Bandai – Cyberpunk 2077 Collectible Figures review by Harrison
Available from Zavvi (14 Years +) 4.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
This game is a PEGI 18 so these are perfect for gaming fans that want to enjoy the Cyberpunk franchise but can’t play the game yet. But if you are over 18 and loving the game – these are a must own!!!!
Set in 1600’s Japan, ‘The Nioh Collection’ follow the adventures of William Adams as he pursues the sorcerer Edward Kelley.
Both games are action packed with lots of blood, gore and a multitude of Monsters to defeat as you navigate through the various levels.
Graphically this newly updated version of the two ‘Nioh’ games look beautiful – but both are very challenging to conquer.
Personally I really enjoyed the games – but found them very hard. This is definitely a game for the die hard fans of the franchise and any gaming ‘Completionists’ that like to play everything on the hardest level.
Available on PlayStation 5 5/2/21 (PEGI 18) 4 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
If you like your games tough but fun – this is definitely one for you. The new remastered version of the ‘The Nioh’ games look stunning on PlasyStation 5!!!
PlayStation 5 review by Harrison and Con CLICK HERE!!!
Available from all good retailers (PEGI 7) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
Completely lives up to the excitement and expectations and its really quick and easy to set up when you first get it. We’re looking forward to many years of fun gaming with this new console. Highly Recommended!!!
Inside the box!!!
PlayStation 5 UK price – With Disc Drive £449/ Digital Only £359!!!
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