Premiere’s exclusively on Shudder 1/4/21 (15) 4.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
If you love horror this is absolutely a show you should be watching. Each episode contains two stories and its all very lighthearted. Perfect popcorn TV!!!
Amazon Prime Video – The Mauritanian review by Harrison
(Please be aware Harrison does not condone actions by Terrorist and our hearts go out to all victims effected by any form of Terrorism around the world. All views in this video review are solely based on the treatment of the Prisoners as depicted in this film.)
Available on Amazon Prime 1/4/21 (15) “TOP END” 5 Stars
The Banishing – Harrison talks Ghost Stories and Religion in Horror with Director Christopher Smith!!!
If you could Direct a remake of any classic Horror – which film would you choose and why?
I’ve often thought about doing a remake of Nosferatu. I’ve always loved the design of the Count in that film. Even when it was remade with Klaus Kinski or used in Salem’s Lot, there is something inherently scary about the Nosferatu vampire. I think Nosferatu would be the perfect way to reboot the vampire genre.
Have you or anyone close to you ever had a paranormal experience and if so what happened?
No. Sorry for the boring answer but to me all supernatural events are actually events that are happening within the mind of the person. That’s why I love The Shining so much. The hotel is Jack Torrence’s mind. If someone tells me they’re haunted I take it to mean they’re not well.
I always find ghost stories far scarier to watch than slasher movies. Do you agree with this and if so what do you think it is about ghost stories that makes them so scary?
I actually find slasher movies more scary but I find ghost stories more interesting. Ghosts are essentially you being tormented by your own past. Something of the past is invading the present, just like bad memories, though in their scariest manifestation.
Why do you think religion is regularly used to enhance the scare factor of so many horror movies?
I think religion is in human DNA, whether your are a believer or not. Anything that successfully taps into that deeply ingrained belief, unsettles something within us and makes us uncomfortable. There’s also something inherently filmic about rituals of any kind.
The ending of The Banishing makes it feel very open to a sequel. Are there any plans to develop the story further?
I certainly would like to explore Harry Reed more, as I believe Shaun Harris created a really interesting character. For me the end is very much about the awakening of violence both within the characters and the world as a whole. The idea that prejudice can all too easily be dug up and harnessed within people to revolting ends.
The Pandemic has given people extra time to be creative. Has the extra time been useful to you and do you think the quality in the films made over the coming years will be better due to Filmmakers having more time to develop their ideas?
Only time will tell. I imagine there will be a spate of twisted films, although you never can tell, perhaps people are so tired of feeling miserable that swathe of comedies are about to flood the market!
Available on Digital Download 7/12/20 (15) 4.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
This is a very addictive ‘psychological horror thriller’. Throughout the film you’re always wondering what the hell is going on. You dare not walk away in case you miss the explanation. Really good movie!!!
Tenet review by Harrison (Completely Spoiler Free review)
Available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K and Digital Download10/11/20 (12) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
Christopher Nolan meets David Lynch. Its a really hard story to explain but its a genuine work of art and very, very exciting throughout. Tenet is rated 12A – but its at the top end of 12A’s and close to being a 15 rated movie in content. A must see for 2020 – Highly Recommended!!!
I was very keen for Con and Harrison to see this movie. I like the idea that youngsters get to see stories such as Rocks, I Daniel Blake and Blue Story as it gives blessed Kidz like my own a prospective on how lucky they are and what other families are dealing with on a daily basis. This will be a very tough watch for many young people – but I think an essential view for many. Rocks is a challenging but wonderful story – Highly Recommended!!!
Rocks – Harrison talks to Bukky Bakray, Kosar Ali, Sarah Gavron and Anu Henriques CLICK HERE!!!
There’s something very special about this story. Its sort of a barmy concept – but very funny, works really well and has lots of heart. An American Pickle really feels like a classic Woody Allen movie. A great excuse to head back to the Cinema for some escapism!!!
It feels so good to be back in a Cinema. There are various new release movies out now as well any many classics for an incredible £5 per ticket. The experience is very well organised around the new ‘Social Distancing Rules’ with plenty of hand sanitize areas – plus it all feels very stress free. Highly Recommended!!!