
#films Archives - Page 7 of 14 - Youth #gottit

Ghostbusters Frozen Empire


Ghostbusters Frozen Empire review by Con

In Cinemas 22/3/24 (12A) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This movie is so good. The last one was good for setting up the future of the series, but this movie takes Ghostbusters back to the roots of the first two films. Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the Ghostbusters Frozen Empire UK Screening!!!

Writer/Director Gil Kenan on stage with Alex Zane!!!

Kidzcoolit: Ghostbusters Frozen Empire – Con Awards Lifelong Beano Fan Paul Rudd the Comic’s Greatest Honour – the Golden Gnasher Badge CLICK HERE!!!

Robot Dreams


Robot Dreams review by Con

In Cinemas 22/3/24 (PG) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is not the film you think it is. It’s so much more than what you see in the trailer and plays to an older viewer as well as the youngsters. One of the cleverest animated films we’ve seen in a while, with some lovely subtle nods to adult relationships taking many different forms. A very special movie experience – Highly Recommended!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Con & Bex Talk Being Stuck and Celebrating the Oscar Nomination with Robot Dreams Director Pablo Berger CLICK HERE!!!

Vindication Swim


Vindication Swim review by Con

In Cinemas 8/3/24 (PG) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is such a brilliant story, well told and shot, with some brilliant performances. So pleased we got to see it on the big screen. Some of the magic of the cinematography will be lost on a smaller screen – so go see it at the cinema while you can. Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the Vindication Swim UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Con at the Special American Star Screening and Q&A


Con at the Special American Star Screening and Q&A!!!

Ian McShane!!! (Wilson)

Gonzalo López-Gallego!!! (Director)

José David Montero (Cinematographer), Gonzalo López-Gallego (Director) and Ian McShane on stage with Q&A Host Anna Smith!!!

American Star in Cinemas 23/2/24!!!

Dune – Part Two


Dune – Part Two review by Con!!! 

In Cinemas 1/3/24 (12A) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is classic style Sci-Fi storytelling at the highest level – you’re about to see an epic masterpiece. A magnificent film – Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the Dune Part 2 World Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Kidzcoolit: Dune – Part One review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

Con at the Dune Part 2 World Premiere


Con at the Dune Part 2 World Premiere!!!

Timothée Chalamet!!! (Paul Atreides)

Austin Butler!!! (Feyd-Rautha)

Joe Walker!!! (Academy Awards Winning Dune Film Editor)

Microsoft/Xbox Dune Flight Simulator!!!

Con with Dune Cosplayers!!!

Dune: Part 2 in Cinemas 1/3/24!!!

The Color Purple


The Color Purple review by Con

In Cinemas 26/1/24 (12A) 3 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

If this film didn’t have the songs (Which are well written and brilliantly performed, for the record) in the movie – this would probably be the best remake in years. The cast are outstanding, the film is really well made and it’s a brilliant story that all generation should know. But we found it very uncomfortable regularly, when you find yourself tapping your foot to songs that often have a ‘jolly’ tone about domestic abuse towards woman. Sadly the songs didn’t work for us, in such an impactful and important story – but everything else was brilliant!!!

Mean Girls


Mean Girls review by Con

In Cinemas 17/1/24 (12A) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is guaranteed to be one of the movie hits of 2024. Catchy songs, Great performances and a fun revenge story. Mean Girls is like the love child of Grease and Grease 2 – Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the Mean Girls Screening party!!!

RoboDoc – The Creation of Robocop


RoboDoc – The Creation of Robocop review by Con

Available on Digital Download and Blu-Ray 18/12/23 (15) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

If you love Robocop as much as we do – you are in for a huge treat. There’s 4 episodes that literally include everything you need to know about the making of this iconic film, And everyone is very honest, outspoken and accepting of the antics that went on during production. Walt’s and All perfect movie documentary. Highly Recommended!!!