
#films Archives - Page 9 of 14 - Youth #gottit

DC Comics – The Flash


DC Comics – The Flash review by Con

Available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K and Digital Download 18/9/23 (12A) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is one of the all time great DC movies. Funny, Action packed and a total celebration and homage to every DC Movie/show seen over the decades. If you fancy a superhero festival, you’re in for a treat. Highly Recommended!!!

Con at The Flash Early Screening CLICK HERE!!!

A Haunting in Venice


A Haunting in Venice review by Con 

In Cinema 15/9/23 (12A) 4.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

All of the new Poirot movies have been great, but this is easily the best one yet. One of the must see movies of 2023 -These films are becoming the Fast and Furious of Murder Mystery stories. It’s like seeing good quality theatre, with the biggest stars, in the cinema, at an affordable price – Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the ‘A Haunting in Venice’ Special Screening Party!!!

The Conjuring Universe – The Nun 2


The Conjuring Universe – The Nun 2 review by Con

In Cinemas 8/9/23 (15) 3.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

The perfect popcorn horror for new fans to the genre and film fanatics who don’t like their movie content too grotesque. This follows directly after The Nun 2, as well as forming an extension to the overall The Conjuring universe. A must see for The Conjuring fans!!!

The Conjuring Universe reviews CLICK HERE!!!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem review by Con

In Cinemas 31/7/23 (PG) 5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This movie is beautifully animated and has the most incredible cast. It’s really hard to pick a favourite character. Easily up there with the classic Jim Henson TMNT movie and one of the best movies of the year. Highly Recommended!!!

Kidzcoolit: Con at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem Sewer Lair Toy Launch CLICK HERE!!!

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One


Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One review by Con

In Cinemas 10/7/23 (12A) 3.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Con’s given this film ‘3.5 Stars’, not because this isn’t a really good Mission Impossible Movie – this film is stunning. Action packed from start to finish. Really funny. And full of Tom Cruise doing what Tom Cruise does. The reason for the ‘3.5 Stars’, this is just the first half of the ‘Dead Reckoning’ story. You can tell that Part one is building up to something so much bigger, that we’ll see in Part 2. Tom hasn’t given us the best of ‘Dead Reckoning’ yet – that’s in the next movie. A must see for everyone!!!

Kidzcoolit: Con meets the stars at the Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Crunchyroll – Suzume


Crunchyroll – Suzume review by Con

In Cinemas 14/4/23 (12A) 3.5 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is a movie all Anime fans will want to see. It is a little longer than it probably needs to be, but the animation is magnificent!!!