
#frightfest Archives - Youth #gottit

Con visits Pigeon Shrine FrightFest 25th Anniversary!!!


Con visits Pigeon Shrine FrightFest 25th Anniversary!!!

FrightFest Directors – Alan Jones, Ian Rattray, Greg Day and Paul McEvoy!!!

The Directors reciving an award for the past 25 Years!!!

Con with ‘The Lonely Man with the Ghost Machine’ writer/Director Graham Skipper!!!

FrightFest Cosplay and Puppet Crafting!!!

A Nightmare on Elm Street 40th Anniversary 4K Screeening!!!

FrightFest Poster Illustrator Graham Humphreys with his iconic ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ Poster!!!

FrightFest and Celebrity/Events Photographer Julie Edwards!!!

‘Razor Blade Smile’ 25th Anniversary Screening with Director Jake West and screening host Aaron Truss!!!

Signed Pigeon Shrine FrightFest Programme – Digital FrightFest 2024 Programme CLICK HERE!!!

Prey for the Devil


Prey for the Devil review by Con

Available on Digital Download 12/12/22 (15) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This is such a great horror movie with lots of jumpy moments. Exorcist meets The Woman in Black with a feel of A Nightmare on Elm Street!!!

Con with Prey for the Devil star Colin Salmon at MCM Comic Con!!!

FrightFest Halloween 29th-30th October (18 Years +)


Arrow FrightFest – Harrison talks Horror Movies with the FrightFest Boys, Alan Jones, Ian Rattray, Paul McEvoy and Greg Day!!!

(Photo Credit: Julie Edwards)

What film made you fall in love with the horror industry and why was it so special?

Alan Jones – It was the lurid posters that hooked me, always suggesting what they really couldn’t deliver, but you hoped they would time and again. That’s why I have a vast collection of the sleaziest and most shocking.

Horror is special because it can define us, for what scares each of us is so individual and personal. So when we meet someone to share that with, it’s a connection for life, the reason why FrightFest is such a tight community.

Ian Rattray – The Exorcist scared me silly when I first saw it. So much that I slept with the light on for a couple of weeks.

Paul McEvoy –  It was DON’T LOOK NOW…..still my favourite horror film of all time…I watched it when I was far too young……the ending absolutely terrified me……I had to go and sleep in my parents bed that night as the ending played over and over in my mind……The film is an absolute masterpiece – but I still get terrified by that ending!

Greg Day – FROGS with Ray Milland. I was fourteen and had got into a late night horror bill at the then ABC in Hastings. I stuffed tissue paper into my shoes to make me appear taller.

I was transfixed and immediately fell in love with the horror genre.

If you could pick three films from the August 2021 FrightFest line up that defines the highest quality of Horror filmmaking in 2021 – what films would they be and why?

Alan Jones – SOUND OF VIOLENCE, THE ADVENT CALENDAR, THE SADNESS because they each move the genre into a new direction,  the first two using disability in very clever and meaningful ways, the latter because just when you thought you couldn’t watch another pandemic movie, a new sexual wrinkle adds an incredible shock factor.

Ian Rattray – SWEETIE, YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT – just because it is so much fun. BOY#5 – because something so good was made for so little. PRISONERS OF THE GHOSTLAND – because it star Nicolas Cage and when he goes full on Nicolas Cage it is a sight and sound to behold

Paul McEvoy –  A difficult one to pick just three from our bright bouncing babies…but of pushed..

DAWN BREAKS BEHIND THE EYES..a wonderful film that throws your expectations……this will look phenomenal projected up on that huge screen. THE SADNESS…which could / should be called THE MADNESS…absolute jaw-dropping insanity from start to phenomenal finish. THE LAST THING MARY SAW…a sombre, atmospheric tour de force from a sensational new talent.


Greg Day – SOUND OF VIOLENCE  – a film where sound is the vision, SWEETIE, YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS – a true gory belter from Kazakhstan. (Think Carry on DELIVERANCE) and PRISONER OF THE GHOSTLAND – a brilliant Nic Cage aside, this is a surreal feast for the eye, worthy of Jodorowsky.

What adjective best describes the film festival and why?

Alan Jones – FABULOUS

Ian Rattray – Friendly. If you talk to others attending, they respond and many a friendship has resulted.

Paul McEvoy –  EXCITING! Because as our audience have learnt overt years ..there is NOTHING better in the world than sitting in a dark room, surrounded by your friends and like minded souls watching and experiencing something together. And to any folks coming for the first time…we hope you enjoy the experience!

Greg Day – Shared. Everyone shares their experience, their warmth, their passion for the films.

Choose one aspect of the festival for why youngsters age 18-25 years love being at FrightFest?

Alan Jones – Because you always meet the genre stars of tomorrow today.

Ian Rattray – Discovery. Take a chance on some of our discovery Strand films, which are often the best films in the festival and who may just discover the hidden gem.

Paul McEvoy –  Similar answer to the previous question, the atmosphere is unique, electric and SO very different to any other festival or film going experience. And we hope that it proves inspirational to young people to go out – be creative in any field and have fun doing it. Oh…and the free promo stuff! 

Greg Day – The buzz. And Ian Rattray swearing on stage.

Arrow Video FrightFest Halloween 29th-30th October Programme CLICK HERE!!!

Arrow FrightFest – Harrison talks Horror Movies with the FrightFest Boys, Alan Jones, Ian Rattray, Paul McEvoy and Greg Day!!!


Arrow FrightFest – Harrison talks Horror Movies with the FrightFest Boys, Alan Jones, Ian Rattray, Paul McEvoy and Greg Day!!!

(Photo Credit: Julie Edwards)

What film made you fall in love with the horror industry and why was it so special?

Alan Jones – It was the lurid posters that hooked me, always suggesting what they really couldn’t deliver, but you hoped they would time and again. That’s why I have a vast collection of the sleaziest and most shocking.

Horror is special because it can define us, for what scares each of us is so individual and personal. So when we meet someone to share that with, it’s a connection for life, the reason why FrightFest is such a tight community.

Ian Rattray – The Exorcist scared me silly when I first saw it. So much that I slept with the light on for a couple of weeks.

Paul McEvoy –  It was DON’T LOOK NOW…..still my favourite horror film of all time…I watched it when I was far too young……the ending absolutely terrified me……I had to go and sleep in my parents bed that night as the ending played over and over in my mind……The film is an absolute masterpiece – but I still get terrified by that ending!

Greg Day – FROGS with Ray Milland. I was fourteen and had got into a late night horror bill at the then ABC in Hastings. I stuffed tissue paper into my shoes to make me appear taller.

I was transfixed and immediately fell in love with the horror genre.

If you could pick three films from this year’s FrightFest line up that defines the highest quality of Horror filmmaking in 2021 – what films would they be and why?

Alan Jones – SOUND OF VIOLENCE, THE ADVENT CALENDAR, THE SADNESS because they each move the genre into a new direction,  the first two using disability in very clever and meaningful ways, the latter because just when you thought you couldn’t watch another pandemic movie, a new sexual wrinkle adds an incredible shock factor.

Ian Rattray – SWEETIE, YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT – just because it is so much fun. BOY#5 – because something so good was made for so little. PRISONERS OF THE GHOSTLAND – because it star Nicolas Cage and when he goes full on Nicolas Cage it is a sight and sound to behold

Paul McEvoy –  A difficult one to pick just three from our bright bouncing babies…but of pushed..

DAWN BREAKS BEHIND THE EYES..a wonderful film that throws your expectations……this will look phenomenal projected up on that huge screen. THE SADNESS…which could / should be called THE MADNESS…absolute jaw-dropping insanity from start to phenomenal finish. THE LAST THING MARY SAW…a sombre, atmospheric tour de force from a sensational new talent.


Greg Day – SOUND OF VIOLENCE  – a film where sound is the vision, SWEETIE, YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS – a true gory belter from Kazakhstan. (Think Carry on DELIVERANCE) and PRISONER OF THE GHOSTLAND – a brilliant Nic Cage aside, this is a surreal feast for the eye, worthy of Jodorowsky.

What adjective best describes the film festival and why?

Alan Jones – FABULOUS

Ian Rattray – Friendly. If you talk to others attending, they respond and many a friendship has resulted.

Paul McEvoy –  EXCITING! Because as our audience have learnt overt years ..there is NOTHING better in the world than sitting in a dark room, surrounded by your friends and like minded souls watching and experiencing something together. And to any folks coming for the first time…we hope you enjoy the experience!

Greg Day – Shared. Everyone shares their experience, their warmth, their passion for the films.

Choose one aspect of the festival for why youngsters age 18-25 years love being at FrightFest?

Alan Jones – Because you always meet the genre stars of tomorrow today.

Ian Rattray – Discovery. Take a chance on some of our discovery Strand films, which are often the best films in the festival and who may just discover the hidden gem.

Paul McEvoy –  Similar answer to the previous question, the atmosphere is unique, electric and SO very different to any other festival or film going experience. And we hope that it proves inspirational to young people to go out – be creative in any field and have fun doing it. Oh…and the free promo stuff! 🙂

Greg Day – The buzz. And Ian Rattray swearing on stage.


(Arrow FrightFest is Strictly a 18 Years + Film Festival)

Arrow FrightFest 2021 Official Digital Programme Live Now CLICK HERE!!!

FrightFest Digital Programmes 2011 – 2021 CLICK HERE!!!

The Banishing – Ghost Stories & Religion in Horror with Director


The Banishing – Harrison talks Ghost Stories and Religion in Horror with Director Christopher Smith!!!

If you could Direct a remake of any classic Horror – which film would you choose and why?

I’ve often thought about doing a remake of Nosferatu. I’ve always loved the design of the Count in that film. Even when it was remade with Klaus Kinski or used in Salem’s Lot, there is something inherently scary about the Nosferatu vampire. I think Nosferatu would be the perfect way to reboot the vampire genre.

Have you or anyone close to you ever had a paranormal experience and if so what happened?

No. Sorry for the boring answer but to me all supernatural events are actually events that are happening within the mind of the person. That’s why I love The Shining so much. The hotel is Jack Torrence’s mind. If someone tells me they’re haunted I take it to mean they’re not well.

I always find ghost stories far scarier to watch than slasher movies. Do you agree with this and if so what do you think it is about ghost stories that makes them so scary?

I actually find slasher movies more scary but I find ghost stories more interesting.  Ghosts are essentially you being tormented by your own past. Something of the past is invading the present, just like bad memories, though in their scariest manifestation.

Why do you think religion is regularly used to enhance the scare factor of so many horror movies?

I think religion is in human DNA,  whether your are a believer or not. Anything that successfully taps into that deeply ingrained belief, unsettles something within us and makes us uncomfortable. There’s also something inherently filmic about rituals of any kind. 

The ending of The Banishing makes it feel very open to a sequel. Are there any plans to develop the story further?

I certainly would like to explore  Harry Reed more, as I believe Shaun Harris created a really interesting character. For me the end is very much about the awakening of violence both within the characters and the world as a whole. The idea that prejudice can all too easily be dug up and harnessed within people  to revolting ends.

The Pandemic has given people extra time to be creative. Has the extra time been useful to you and do you think the quality in the films made over the coming years will be better due to Filmmakers having more time to develop their ideas?

Only time will tell. I imagine there will be a spate of twisted films, although you never can tell, perhaps people are so tired of feeling miserable that swathe of comedies are about to flood the market!


Saint Maud


Saint Maud review by Harrison

Available on DVD, Blu-ray, 4K and Digital Download 1/2/21 (15) 4 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

Saint Maud is eerie and compelling throughout with some incredible character moments. Not to be missed – Highly Recommended!!!