Masters of Make-Up Effects: A Century of Practical Magic review by Con

Available from all good retailers (Welbeck) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
If you’re a fan of Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy or just the art of Make-Up effects on screen, this is a must own table top book for you. It’s packed with incredible photos, information about classic movie and TV characters, plus interviews and insights with the people behind the creation of many iconic effects. Highly Recommended!!!
Gifts for Con!!!

Signed by Authors Howard Berger and Marshall Julius!!!

IMAX 3D – Avatar review by Con
In IMAX Cinemas 23/9/22 (12A) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
Avatar was always meant to be seen on IMAX in 3D. This is the best way to see this incredible theatrical spectacular!!!

AVATAR is the highest grossing movie to ever grace an IMAX screen despite having approximately 300 cinemas worldwide in 2009, compared to over 1,500 cinemas today. Interestingly, IMAX was also the deciding factor for the final runtime for the original release of AVATAR, which was 2 hours and 42 minutes. This was the maximum amount of film that could physically fit onto an IMAX film platter. Relive and experience AVATAR the way director James Cameron intended, in IMAX 3D – the world’s most immersive cinematic format.
Avatar: The Way of Water in IMAX 3D Cinemas 16/12/22!!!

Disney + Marvel Thor Love and Thunder review by Con
Available on Disney + 8/9/22 (12 years +) 4.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
This movie is such a blast – ‘Thor Love and Thunder’ is like a modern day Monty Python film. Really funny and action packed from start to finish. A must see for Marvel fans!!!
Con at the London Thor Love and Thunder Multimedia and Gala Screening!!!

Con with his Content Creator mates and fellow Marvel fans!!!

Taika Waititi, Tessa Thompson and Natalie Portman on stage!!!

Kidzcoolit: Con and Bex on the Thor Love and Thunder Tour Bus CLICK HERE!!!

Jurassic World Dominion review by Con
In Cinemas 10/6/22 (12A) 4 Stars
Parent View:
With Jurassic Park/World movies, you sort of know what you’re getting and this latest instalment to the franchise ticks all the right boxes. There are a few weak plot moments, but you’re not really watching these movies for the plot. You’re at the cinema to see people being chased and eaten by Dinosaurs. Spoiler alert – it delivers there!!!
Con at the Jurassic World Dominion London Screening Party!!!

Elvis review by Con
In Cinemas 24/6/22 (12A) 4.5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
Ever wondered why so many people still love Elvis Presley? This movie perfectly celebrates why the King of Rock ‘N’ Roll is still popular today for a modern audience. Even if you don’t like Elvis’s music, you’ll really enjoy Baz Luhrmann’s new movie. This is the Elvis movie we needed – Highly Recommended!!!
Con at the Elvis UK Special Screening!!!

Con with Baz Luhrmann and the cast of Elvis!!!

Marvel – Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness review by Con (SPOILER FREE REVIEW)
In Cinemas 5/5/22 (12A) 5 Stars
Youth #Gottit View:
This is not the like any Marvel movie you’ve ever seen before. This is a mild Sam Raimi Horror movie with loads of twists and turns. You’re in for one hell of a ride – Highly Recommended!!!

Con at the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness London Screening!!!