
#sonicthehedgehog3 Archives - Youth #gottit

Sonic the Hedgehog 3


Sonic the Hedgehog 3 review by Alex

Sonic, Tails & Knuckles are summoned by G.U.N (Guardian Units of Nations) to intervene in Shadow’s plans for world destruction, however upon arriving it is apparent that they are all outmatched. So they turn to a familiar foe to have any chance of saving the planet, and appropriately wacky high jinks along with intense action occurs. We are eventually introduced to the Doctor’s Grandfather: Gerald Robotnik, Sonic and friends will find out where he stands on Shadow’s plans and whom the doctor’s (Ivo Robotnik) priorities lie with.

Upon the announcement that Keunu Reeves was playing Shadow, I was admittedly a bit skeptical. However upon seeing Shadow in action, I feel that Reeves was the right choice for the role. As the film goes on you gain an insight into Shadow’s past pain and backstory, as well as his motivation for vengeance against those who wronged him, Keunu absolutely smashed it and I feel that the line delivery and emotion of the character is just right. While I will always associate the voice of Shadow as either Jason Griffith’s or Kirk Thornton’s interpretation, I believe that Keunu was a solid choice for the film adaptation of Sonic.

Sonic fans who have played through the video games will enjoy the callbacks to previous games, as well as appreciate the film’s own adaptation of events. I enjoyed the humour throughout the film, while I am unsure about the longevity of the pop culture references and how they will hold up but they got a good chuckle out of me throughout. Lee Majdoub’s Agent Stone continues to be an interesting character throughout and compliments Carrey’s Doctor Robotnik, while the character of Agent Stone is an exclusive to the movie adaptation, I feel that the two characters are inseparable and both actors performances were excellent. However, I do feel that…

Jim Carrey’s role as Ivo & Gerald Robotnik takes the cake, the style of acting / humour reminded me of his previous works, and I feel he really leaned into the character of Robotnik. Carrey’s secondary role as Gerald was very entertaining, this was due to both of Carrey’s characters playing off each other and having shared screen time allowed for some very creative scenes. Specifically the dancing through the lasers was absolutely hilarious, and the witty dialogue between the two of them allowed for perfect chemistry between the characters. 

The Start of the film is a bit quick, straight into things but that’s what you expect for a modern children’s film. I would rather the transition into the action be a bit more gradual rather than a massive jolt, but it does work with the plot as no one in G.U.N was expecting Shadow escape containment so I see why it was chosen. Overall I don’t really have any substantial complaints, the ongoing character development fits with each of the characters, some develop more than others but I feel it was appropriate. 

At 1 hour and 50 minutes of runtime, it is on the longer side of family films but the plot justifies the length and does not drag at all. I’d say it is just right without it feeling rushed (minus the beginning but i’ve touched on that) or missing out on any key details.

In Cinemas 21/12/24 (PG) 4.2 Stars (Available Now On Digital Download)

Youth #Gottit View:

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is a solid choice for family viewing, I highly encourage you to watch it in cinemas.  Hopefully he will return to the franchise, but if this is the send off for Jim Carrey, then frankly it’s a fantastic high to go out on and is entertaining for all ages.

KIDZCOOLIT/YOUTH #GOTTIT: Con, Bex & Alex at the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Screening Party CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Con meets the stars at the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

YOUTH #GOTTIT: Con at the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 International Media Day CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Jakks Pacific – Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Figures and Vehicles review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Jakks Pacific – Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Plush Toys review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

YOUTH #GOTTIT: Sonic X Shadow Generations review by Alex CLICK HERE!!! (Sonic 3 Movie pack DLC featuring Keanu Reeves now available)

Sonic the Hedgehog 3


Sonic the Hedgehog 3 review by Con

In Cinemas 21/12/24 (PG) 5 Stars (Available Now on Digital Download)

Youth #Gottit View:

This isnt just the best of the trilogy and one of the best family films ever made. There will never be a video game movie ever made as good as Sonic 3. Highly Recommended!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Con meets the stars at the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Con chats Family Life in the Cast and Funniest moments in the trilogy with Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Stars Ben Schwartz, James Marsden and Tika Sumpter CLICK HERE!!!

YOUTH #GOTTIT: Con at the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 International Media Day CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Con chats Jim Carrey Love and Great Team-Ups with Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Star Lee Majdoub CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Jakks Pacific – Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Figures and Vehicles review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Con talks the Sonic Franchise and Shadow Selves with Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Stars Colleen O’Shaughnessey and Krysten Ritter CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Jakks Pacific – Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Plush Toys review by Con CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT: Con chats the Keanu Reeves as Shadow and The Secret to Making Good Video Games movies with Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Director Jeff Fowler CLICK HERE!!!

YOUTH #GOTTIT: Sonic X Shadow Generations review by Alex CLICK HERE!!! (Sonic 3 Movie pack DLC featuring Keanu Reeves now available)

KIDZCOOLIT: Con talks to Jeff Fowler, Colleen O’Shaughnessy and Lee Majdoub at the Sonic 3 UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

KIDZCOOLIT/YOUTH #GOTTIT: Con, Bex & Alex at the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Screening Party CLICK HERE!!!

Con at the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 International Media Day


Con at the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 International Media Day!!!

SEGA Sonic Plush Toys!!!

Sonic X Shadow Generations!!!

The all new Shadow DLC with Shadow voiced by Keanu Reeves!!!

Sonic 3 Photo op room!!!

Sonic 3 Interviews: Ben Schwartz (Sonic), Tika Sumpter (Maddie) and James Marsden (Tom)!!!

Jeff Fowler!!! (Director)

Colleen O’Shaughnessy (Tails) and Krysten Ritter (Director Rockwell)!!!

Lee Majdoub (Agent Stone)!!!

Con meets the stars at the Sonic The Hedgehog 3 UK Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 in Cinemas 21/12/24!!!

Sonic X Shadow Generations


Sonic X Shadow Generations review by Alex

Sonic X Shadow Generations is a new instalment in the 3D Sonic Universe. This time, the player will experience an all new expansion to Shadow’s story, along with Sonic’s story all brought up to date with modern consoles in mind.

When in the main menu, you are presented with either Sonic’s story or Shadow’s. Specifically for this review I’ll be focusing on the Shadow Segment, as it is all new content. You get the usual plethora of options along with a catch-up of Shadow’s story up to this point, I found this feature quite useful as it caught me up on the story of shadow from his 2005 game.

For stage selection, initially you are thrown straight into the first level. However upon completion you are sent into a level select area which adapts and expands depending on how much you’ve completed/ unlocked, this is very reminiscent of the Sonic portion. Levels are contained in different zones, they each have different locations and can require some exploring to get to.

Guidance on each ability is presented with the usual means in a modern sonic game, that being the question mark in a multi-coloured circle. There are also visual cues as well as audio cues on when to use or which ability, boss battles for instance can be very time sensitive on whether you hit or get it. These can range from onscreen button prompts, to subtle pattern in attack / defence.

Shadow’s combat is very interesting, you get presented with different options throughout the story with their ups and downs, from projectiles to the usual sonic abilities to Shadow’s time stop ability. Gameplay is very much what you’d expect from a Sonic game with some extra twists for Shadow’s story, fast paced and sick music.

Graphics have been enhanced in the current gen versions, bringing the sonic story’s visuals up to par with modern consoles. I am also happy to report that this game is compatible with last gen consoles, this is a welcome addition as many game studios are starting to move away from backporting. This is likely due to the still millions of players on previous gen consoles, rich for many are more than adequate for their gaming needs.

As with other sonic games, you can go back to any level you like, in fact you are encouraged to to unlock all of the collectables that you may have missed. Throughout the levels of are tons of different collectibles, as well as the incentive to get a high score / rank for each level. This is influenced by how fast you made it through the level, as well as rings.

What I dislike about the game is that the menu can be a bit confusing, while I like that you have a sort of sandbox in the menu to do as you please. I’d much rather a menu which I can flick to or a way to teleport over to a level. A feature I wish was included was a way to try out an ability in a separate area, on top of the question mark bubbles should be a button to take you to a test facility. Here it could teach you the basics / allow you to get a feel for the ability before using it in level. I often died due to my inability to use new powers quick enough or in the right way. Other than that, my experience with the game has been overall positive.

Available on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, XBox and PC 22/10/24 (PEGI 7) 4.2 Stars

Youth #Gottit View:

This game is an excellent addition to the the Sonic Franchise. From the improved visual fidelity offered by current gen consoles, to new game mechanics and story offered by Shadow’s segment . It is a must buy for both resuming players, those who have been out of the loop, and new alike!!!